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Higher Ed Spotlight: Grandmother Inspires EVMS Student to Pursue Medicine
Growing up, Jason Bard accompanied his non-English-speaking grandmother to free health clinics to interpret for her. She inspired him to study medicine. He also was shaped by his experiences with the deaf community — both of his parents are deaf — and as an LGBTQ+ advocate.
Nonprofit Spotlight: New Director of Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology
For the new director of the Glennan Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology at Eastern Virginia Medical School, being part of a supportive community is vital. Dr. Marissa Galicia-Castillo grew up in Norfolk and stayed in Hampton Roads to establish a distinguished career.
Nonprofit Spotlight: Meeting Thomas as Students Provide Healthcare to People in Need
Thomas Stokes was a friendly, open guy with a warm smile. He lacked health insurance, was on disability and had been homeless for three years. He was grateful for the med students providing free healthcare to people in need through Street Health, part of EVMS’s Community Engaged Learning program.