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Musings on storytelling, public relations & running a successful solo business
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Be Aware of What’s in Content You Share
If you’re going to share a piece of content created by someone else, should you care if it contains an error? Yes. Here’s why.
Useful Blogs for Communicators and Creators
When I’m looking to learn or be inspired, or procrastinate in a positive way, there are a few blogs I find myself turning to again and again.
A Simple Process for Thinking About and Planning Communications
Here is a simple process — research, plan, do and review — to help you think about your communications.
Make Your Presentations Easy on the Eyes So They’ll be Easier to Read
Whether you’re using a slide deck to share information during a meeting or giving a webinar presentation, white space is your — and your audience’s — friend. No one wants to read a crowded screen. Here are a few other things to keep in mind to make your communications easy on the eyes — and easy to comprehend.