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Musings on storytelling, public relations & running a successful solo business
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Inverted Pyramids and Martini Glasses: How to Use News Writing for Your Nonprofit
Sometimes you need a just-the-facts approach when writing for your nonprofit. Try the inverted pyramid or the martini glass. Here’s how.
Useful Blogs for Communicators and Creators
When I’m looking to learn or be inspired, or procrastinate in a positive way, there are a few blogs I find myself turning to again and again.
How to Get Started with a PR Plan
To get started with PR efforts for your organization, you need a plan — a roadmap. This will help you determine where you are, where you want to go, how you’ll get there, who is going to be in the driver’s seat and when you’ve reached your destination. Here's what to include in your PR plan.
Apply Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules for Writers
Elmore Leonard’s 10 Rules for Writers can be applied to many types of writing, not just the hard-boiled crime novels for which Leonard was famous. Your writing will be easier to read if you follow his advice.
How to Make Donors Feel the Love
If you work in fundraising or nonprofit communications, you’ve heard it a lot: “Your communications must be donor-centered!”To thank donors and inspire them to keep giving, you’ve got to write your newsletters, annual reports and other communications in a way that puts the focus on the donor. So, how do you that? It’s all about “you.”